

Drugstore Makeup: Soft Pink Eyes & Lips

     Hello there!  Well, this is definitely a Wet 'n' Wild kick I've been on lately, especially here on my blog. Wet 'n' Wild released their well-rounded Spring 2015 Silver Lake Limited Edition Color Collection a couple months ago, which features quite a hefty collection of brand new 6-pan eyeshadow palettes (with the most punchy, vibrant and aesthetically pleasing color schemes, I might add), and a few blush/bronzer/highlight trio disks.
Drugstore Makeup: Soft Pink Eyes & Lips


40 Beauty Questions Tag | Barcelonista's Beauty Blog

     Today, I was skimming through some of the blogs that I follow, and remembered this tag from a while back when reading other people's beauty and skincare routines, and then realized: I haven't done a tag post yet! So hey, why not....this will be my tiny contribution to the already popular 40 Beauty Questions Tag! I already know....this post is going to be quite lengthy. I'll try not to get too wordy in my responses. If you haven't done this tag yet, definitely do so! If you like, you can also leave me a link to your responses so I can check it out! Let's get to it, shall we?


Glowy Everyday 'Naked' Makeup | Coral & Pink

Glowy Everyday 'Naked' Makeup | Coral & Pink
I've been going through a huge coral phase as of late. As well as crazy color pairings to go along with it (coral and lavender? coral and chartreuse green? Eh??). However, I think that my skintone much prefers coral as an accent in itself to an otherwise clean, understated all-purpose neutral look, which is what I was going for here when I decided to utilize the always-beautiful Urban Decay Naked Palette. It has been a few weeks since I took these pics, and for some reason I completely forgot to write down what I used for base makeup.....eeek. So I don't remember what I used. Sowwy. **Proceeds to droop head in blogger's shame.**
     But as for the color products, I definitely have that covered. :) Including the base makeup, this look was super simple, and could seriously take only 10 minutes to put together! Here we go! Continue reading for the products I used!
Glowy Everyday 'Naked' Makeup | Coral & Pink
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